Tuesday, May 18, 2010

This is what I am afraid of and I want to stay as far away as possible from.

North American religion is basically a consumer religion. Americans see God as a product that will help them to live well, or to live better. Having seen that, they do what consumers do, shop for the best deal. Pastors, hardly realizing what we are doing, start making deals, packaging the God-product so that people will be attracted to it and then presenting it in ways that will beat out the competition. Religion has never been so taken up with public relations, image building, salesmanship, marketing techniques, and the competitive spirit. . . I found that gathering a religious crowd was pretty easy, provided I didn't get too involved with God. . . . Religious consumers are like all other consumers, easily attracted by packaging and bargains. But I also knew that to follow this route I would have to abandon the very thing that gave the life of a pastor its worth: a passion for God.

Eugene Peterson

1 comment:

alluredbit said...

This WAS worth of reading.

Lady Gaga just made the most innovative person of Fast Business as of 06/2010, and others to follow.

One do not have to look at people performing boring business anymore, just follow stupid kids and their parents paying for their kicks.

I AM afraid, and been so for so long only a religious fanatic on prime TV may ease my pain.

Bring it on Jesus, Your coming for us sinners may as will be our only salvation.