Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A Comprehensive God Experience

As I stated earlier, I came away from my hiking trip with a few thoughts. The primary thing was an awareness of God's goodness, and how often we overlook it, take it for granted, or simply neglect to experience it.

It's hard to look at the beauty and diversity of nature and not become overwhelmed with God's greatness and creativity. As I was hiking and enjoying the weather, the exercise, and the scenery, I realized that I was enjoying God's goodness. He created these things for Himself so that He could share them with us and show His greatness and goodness to us.

Despite some of the situations we have to deal with in life, God is constantly unveiling His goodness to us. A few months ago one of my tires had a blowout on the highway. It was kind of a bummer, but I was able to safely stop the vehicle and put the spare on. Although I wasn't aware of this at the time, God was showing His goodness to me in that moment in that He had provided me with a great father in my life that was able and took the time to teach me how to stop a car with a blowout, how to jack up a car, how to remove a tire, and how to put a new one on.

At work I've been on the same project for a number of months, and sometimes I get rather frustrated with looking at and thinking about the same stuff so much, but this is another opportunity to be aware of His goodness. He has blessed me with a job that I for the most part enjoy, has given me the mental ability and talent to grapple with the issues I have to tackle, and gave me parents that supported me in learning my trade.

Being aware of His goodness is an act of gratitude and worship. We acknowledge His greatness and His goodness and thank Him for what He has and is doing. As I was hiking, I kept thinking to myself, "God, this is good. Thank you." As I was replacing my tire, I should have thought, "God this is good. Thank you." As I continue to focus on my project in the future, I will do my best to remember to tell Him this same thing to try to stay focused on a worship lifestyle.


Anonymous said...

Very nicely said.

Unknown said...

You're right. Sometimes I get a bad attitude when things don't go the way I want them to, but each situation God puts me in is an opportunity to see His hand of provision. With the right attitude I can learn to be grateful in every valley.