Sunday, May 4, 2008

Sunday Sunday Sunday

Good Sunday today. Had a few hiccups in the worship this morning but overall it went well. Casey went over a much needed lesson this morning and expounded on the three Rs of Christianity: Relationship, relationship, relationship. I can't get that through my thick head enough.

(Casey didn't phrase it as three Rs, by the way, that's just how I took it.)

Youth went well also. Worship was better than usual, probably because Ray, Josh and I spent quite a bit of time going over the songs multiple times and solidifying the progressions. I think Ray and Josh will be out of town next weekend, so it will probably just be Jason and I. Can anyone say "acoustic set?" Woot.

Brock had a good message that played off of the catch phrase regarding "addressing the elephant in the room". He talked about confronting the issues in life that we don't want to or that are hard to address. By some strange coincidence I happened to wear a shirt that had an elephant on it that I got from my brother a while back. Weird.

Weekly routine starts tomorrow. I'll be glad when this month is over, because then I'll start to get out and actually do stuff. Here's my list:

- Visiting my brother - May 31 - June 8
I purchased some plane tickets tonight to go visit my brother in New York. I'm going to be gone from work for an entire week and will miss two Sundays of church, which kind of stinks, but I have not seen my brother or been out of the state in a VERY long time. As an added bonus, my parents will be there as well. We'll all get to be together again, which I must admit gets me kind of teary. We haven't been together as a family since Thanksgiving last year.

- Going to my friend Matt's wedding - June 27 - 29
My friend Matt is getting married in Memphis. I'm gonna be a groomsman.

- Independence Day - July 3 - 7 (?)
I'm going to work through Memorial day and probably work on a Saturday to get an extra day off, for a total of three days of vacation. Will visit parents and try to get together with some friends.

- Portland, OR trip - August?
I still want to visit Imago Dei Community in Portland. I still feel kind of drawn there. I don't know if something is in store for me there or not, but it wouldn't hurt to go just for the experience.


Unknown said...

I'm so glad that we get to be together as a family too! It gets me teared up thinking about it too. My words can never fully express how much I love you and Joel & Loren. We're going to have such a good time!
I love what you've had to say in your blogs ~ especially your comments pertaining to our relationship with Christ and total surrender. You have grown so much spiritually since you've been there and I'm so proud of you!!!!!

mallorey said...

STEVEN. Are you a Don Miller reader??

I've always wanted to go visit Imago Dei. It's on my to do list before I die. If you do go, you will have to tell me stories!!!

Steven said...

I AM a Don Miller reader. It's because of his books that I came across the Imago Dei podcasts. If you like Don's books you really need to get into the podcasts. He speaks in a few of them. The overall theme of the sermons is very cohesive with what Don talks about in his books. You can get them here: