Saturday, August 9, 2008

Something else

After I wrote the previous post I was thinking about some stuff that somehow tied together.  The question, "why do bad things happen to good people?" came up.  The only explanation for this that I can come up with is that since God is an impartial God, showing unconditional love, giving consistent favor to some and consistent disfavor to others would be evidence of very conditional love.  God loves both those who do and do not follow Him, and the fact that good and bad things happen to both sets of people confirms His unconditional love.

Now, how are people that follow God supposed to handle bad things happening to them?  The response I alluded to in my previous post is that we are to understand that God is working out His purpose and we should submit to His will and recognize that He is doing something through it.

This leads me to the topic of blessings.  For a while now I've believed that "blessings" are not something God gives to us to make us happy, i.e., a bigger house, more money, nicer car, etc.  Along with blessings come the responsibility to use those blessings to further His kingdom.  The idea I've had up to this point is if I get a raise, for example, God has blessed me with extra finances to use for Him.  But what about bad situations?  What if we come down with a disease that takes years to fight off?  What if we lose a loved one?  What if our finances are taken away?  By going through these experiences, we gain knowledge and insight into how to deal with these situations.  I believe that these are blessings.  God has given us experience, knowledge, and wisdom by going through these things, so we now have the responsibility to share it, to sympathize with others, and show God's love and compassion.

None of that really links up but that's how He showed it to me.


It sucks having to come to terms with my humanity.  There are things that I can't fix.  There are times I make mistakes, and some that I even repeat.  There are things that go completely contrary to what I want in life, but I am utterly powerless to affect the outcome.  Where can I find hope in this?  Do I hope in the wrong things?  Is what I want completely contrary to what God's will is?  How can I be sure that what I want is completely aligned with what God is doing so I never have to experience this?

I know that God had said He has plans for us, to prosper us, to give us hope and a future, but I simply can't see what He does.  He never promised life would be all sunshine and bunnies.  He said He would be there for us though, to comfort us in those times and to bring us through stronger.  The real challenge is laying aside my pride, my selfish desires, and essentially "dying to myself" to come under complete submission and cognizance that God is doing something in every situation.

I'm glad that this world is not all we have.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Married people have it easy.

"I have to spend time with my spouse" is a great excuse.  If I were married, or even if I had a girlfriend, there is no way I'd be able to work 45 hours a week, play in two bands multiple times a week, spend time throughout the week preparing music, work in youth ministry, cook, clean, etc., and give my significant other personal time.  Maybe that's why God has kept me single.

As long as the time I'm giving is impacting lives I don't mind being single.  I just want to know that what I do matters.